Cars Art Meet at he Miami Auto Show Turns into a Stunning Art Gallery


BMW1Truth be told, the Miami International Auto Show is your typical consumer experience with dealers hawking cars, Camp Jeep, and Topless in Miami which sounds more risque than it actually is. But this year, Cars Meet Art was a special exhibit that transcended your typical auto show experience.

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESWhat it is is a collection of 10 cars — some works of art in their own right — transformed into true masterpieces. For example, French American artist Gene Duaiv, a somewhat flamboyant type with pink hair, turned the Lamborghini Aventador Roadster into twice the head turner than it was in original form.


LamborghiniCars Meet Art is dedicated to highlighting the urban art explosion in Miami’s Wynwood District, and it showcases the works of several U.S.-based, world-renowned street artists. Duaviv, for example, has painted works for the Cannes Film Festival as well as a stunning Ferrarri FF you might have seen previously.



