Royal Enfield Creates Awareness For Minimizing The Use Of Plastic On Republic Day Ride


The riding community of Royal Enfield celebrated 72nd Republic Day by riding in various parts of Pune city. By maintaining social distance and by taking proper safety measures, more than 400 riders participated in Republic Day’s ride.

During their ride, they also promoted awareness of minimizing the use of plastic. The riders themselves did not consume water from plastic bottles and food for their refreshments. They also made sure that they didn’t carry anything made of single-use plastic along with them and made the ride a complete plastic-free one.

Apart from that, a group of Royal Enfield riders rode down to Jeevan Vardhini Special Children School, located at Saswad to give away a generous donation to the children. The company’s team also felicitated front line warriors, including 5 doctors from Pune treating COVID-19 patients.